Bridging the gap to your customers!

Marketing Agency Portland

Building Your Dream
Business Together

You want to grow your dream business, but you aren’t sure how to get the word out. You see other companies online that are absolutely killing it, and you want to know how you can have that same kind of success. What’s the secret to their growth? How have they managed to not only survive but thrive in such a competitive world? The answer: Digital Marketing.

Just a quick glance around you and you will see that our lives are intertwined with technology. There are phones, tablets, and computers everywhere and the one thing that connects all of it is the internet. It plays an integral roll in our daily lives. We use the internet to find places and things, we use it to keep in touch with friends and family, and we use it to stay informed about what’s happening in the world. And those businesses who are killing it? They’re using it to market their services/products to the masses. With so many people spending their days online searching it’s important to make sure your company gets noticed. You need an online presence in today’s world if you are going to thrive as a business, and you need a marketing plan.

It’s not enough to just hope people will find your business, you need to actively place yourself in front of your audience. That means social media, getting found in Google, running ads to target your desired audience, email marketing, and much more. The truth is, if you want to be found you need to put yourself out there where people can find you.

Complimentary Consultation


So where do you start? (Coming to Growth Theory was a good first step, in my opinion!) The answer is: SOMEWHERE! There are so many different means of marketing your business online, and each of them has pros and cons. What’s important is that you look at your goals, objectives, and budget and pick the channel that best fits your current situation. There is a brief description of several different marketing channels below, but don’t let all this information stress you out. You don’t need to be an expert in digital marketing, that’s what we’re here for. If you already have a particular strategy in mind, great! If not, we will work with you to determine the best plan for making your business successful.

At the end of the day, the thing that matters most is revenue growth. No matter which channel you choose, it is important that your investment provides returns. While there is no such thing as IMMEDIATE returns, it is important to set your expectations at the beginning of your advertising journey. Every marketing channel has its own timelines, some are faster than others, while some are more expensive. We won’t bore you with details here (that’s what all the service pages are for), just know that each marketing channel is different, and adjust your expectations accordingly.

Now that you’ve listened to our boring intro, let’s talk about some of the different marketing methods.

Search Engine Optimization Components

Search Engine Optimization

Everyone uses the internet nowadays! Alright... maybe not everyone. I think it's safe to say that the internet is an important part of our lives. It's not going anywhere, so why not take advantage of it? People search for businesses on the internet every day. Just think about how often you pull out your phone, or get on your computer, and search for things like: "food near me" or "grocery store" or even "directions to xyz." If you stop to think about it, you will realize quickly that we rely on our phones to find things... a lot! But why do those businesses that you see every time you search show up? How does Google pick which plumber to show, or which restaurant to serve up? (Pun intended.)

The secret is called Search Engine Optimization or SEO for short. It's something that every business serious about growing needs. It's the secret sauce that makes your website extra tasty in Google's eyes. (Alright, I'm thinking I might be a little hungry.) I know you're asking yourself, "so what is it?" And, "where do I get it?" Just click the link below to learn more!

Pay Per Click Advertising

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Paid advertising is the secret behind rapid brand growth! Want your business to be omnipresent? Want people to see you everywhere they go online? Want your customers to know your name? Then you need to be everywhere, and PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Advertising is the place to start. There are few strategies that have the rapid results of an effective PPC campaign. Finding someone who knows the ins-and-outs of the online advertising game is important. Lucky for you, you've come to the right place! The team here at Growth Theory Marketing are experts in PPC campaigns. So whether you want to advertise on Google, Facebook, or both we will build the right strategy for you. Let us show you more about our process and how we can help your company become a powerhouse in your industry.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media is an ever-important part of our world. People across the world utilize platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and many others. They spend hours every day searching through Instagram looking for great pictures. They scroll through Facebook to see memes and to keep in touch with their friends. And how many times have you found yourself on YouTube looking through videos until 1 or 2 am? (No… maybe that’s just me.) So how do you leverage these platforms to build your business, increase your brand reach, and grow your bottom line? 

The “secret” is to have a killer strategy! You need to make sure that you are creating jaw-dropping content that your followers don’t dare ignore. You need a plan, and let’s face it, you need a team dedicated to making that plan happen. You’re a busy person already, you don’t need another job. We got you covered! This is what we live and breathe. So click the button to learn more about our process and how we can partner together to grow your company/brand reach!

The Stats

Daily Google Searches
1 B+
searches every second
1 +
are local searches
1 %

Where is Your Online Presence?

3.5 billion searches every day on Google, and that’s just Google, that doesn’t account for any other search engines on the internet. It also doesn’t account for social media activity: people searching on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, the list goes on. Now more than ever it’s important to develop your online marketing strategy. Leverage the power of the internet to grow your business.

The most important decision you can make is to get started. You don’t have to know everything, you don’t have to be master at social media or the internet to get things going. You can rely on us here at Growth Theory Marketing to help you navigate the digital marketing world. Whether your company needs consulting or coaching, or you just need someone to do it for you, we have your back. Click the button below to give us a call, and see how we can help your business thrive online.